Udeshika De silva
3 min readJun 3, 2023


The racial pot is boiling over!

In the diverse and culturally vibrant nation of Sri Lanka, politics often takes a troubling turn, as some politicians resort to exploiting religion and stoking racial tensions to further their own personal agendas. By manipulating these sensitive issues, they seek to consolidate power, manipulate public sentiment, and create divisions within society. This article aims to shed light on this alarming trend, examining how politicians in Sri Lanka utilize religion and racism as triggers to gain and maintain political power.

Fueling Religious Divisions:

Sri Lanka is a country known for its rich religious diversity, with Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity coexisting for centuries. Unfortunately, certain politicians exploit this diversity for political gain. They often align themselves closely with particular religious groups, using their religious identity as a rallying point to garner support.

By emphasizing religious differences, these politicians tap into the emotions and sentiments of their followers, thereby consolidating their support base. They fuel fears and insecurities, perpetuating an "us versus them" narrative, which can lead to the marginalization and discrimination of religious minorities. This exploitation of religious sentiments undermines the harmonious coexistence that Sri Lankan society should strive for.

Exploiting Racial Tensions:

Alongside religious divisions, racial tensions have also been manipulated by some politicians in Sri Lanka. The country consists of various ethnic groups, primarily Sinhalese and Tamils, with other minority communities, such as Muslims and Malays. Politicians often exploit these ethnic divisions to polarize communities and manipulate electoral outcomes.

By inflaming racial grievances and promoting discriminatory narratives, politicians create a sense of collective victimhood among certain ethnic groups. They portray themselves as protectors of their own community, while demonizing other groups as threats. This dangerous strategy, based on identity politics, fosters animosity, deepens societal divisions, and undermines the unity necessary for a thriving democracy.

Political Opportunism:

Religion and racism are not inherently divisive forces, but politicians skillfully exploit them for their own political ambitions. They tap into pre-existing societal fault lines, leveraging historical grievances, and amplifying fears and prejudices to consolidate their power base. These politicians often rely on inflammatory rhetoric and scapegoating tactics, diverting attention from critical governance issues and perpetuating a cycle of fear and mistrust.

The Impact on Democracy and Social Cohesion:

The exploitation of religion and racism for political gain poses significant threats to Sri Lanka's democracy and social fabric. When politicians manipulate these sensitive issues, they undermine the principles of equality, justice, and freedom. It fuels a climate of intolerance, erodes trust in democratic institutions, and perpetuates a cycle of violence and discrimination.

To address this alarming trend, it is essential for Sri Lankan society to promote interreligious and interethnic harmony while demanding accountability from politicians. The media, civil society organizations, and responsible citizens should challenge divisive narratives and work towards building bridges between communities. Promoting education, cultural exchange, and dialogue can help debunk stereotypes and prejudices, fostering a more inclusive and tolerant society.

The exploitation of religion and racism by politicians in Sri Lanka for their own political gain is a destructive practice that threatens the nation’s social cohesion and democratic values. It is imperative for Sri Lankan society to be vigilant and reject such divisive tactics. By embracing the country’s rich diversity and promoting inclusivity, the people of Sri Lanka can build a brighter future based on unity, respect, and shared prosperity!

