Udeshika De silva
2 min readFeb 24, 2024


Learning Patience: My Personal Journey of Growth and Discovery!

Have you ever felt like patience was just not in your DNA? That was me. Waiting in line felt like an eternity, and I always wanted things to happen on my timeline. But recently, I've been on a mission to change that. Here's a glimpse into my journey of learning patience, one step at a time.

Facing the Frustration

Impatience was my constant companion. From small everyday moments to bigger life goals, I found myself frustrated by delays and setbacks. It took a toll on my mental well-being and relationships. That's when I knew I needed to make a change.

Taking Baby Steps

I didn't become patient overnight. It started with small shifts in mindset and behavior. I began by practicing mindfulness, taking a few moments each day to breathe and be present. It wasn't easy at first, but gradually, I started noticing a difference in how I approached situations.

Embracing the Journey

Learning patience wasn't just about waiting; it was about embracing the journey. I learned to appreciate the process rather than just focusing on the end result. Each setback became an opportunity for growth, teaching me resilience and perseverance along the way.

Finding Peace in Imperfection

One of the biggest lessons I learned was to embrace imperfection. Life is unpredictable, and things don't always go according to plan. Instead of resisting change, I learned to go with the flow and find beauty in life's messiness.

Celebrating Progress, Not Perfection

Patience isn't about being perfect; it's about making progress. I celebrated every small victory – whether it was waiting calmly in traffic or being more understanding in a disagreement. Each step forward reminded me that change is possible.

Gratitude for the Journey

Today, I'm still a work in progress, but I've come a long way. Patience has brought a sense of peace and contentment into my life that I never knew was possible. I'm grateful for the lessons learned and the growth experienced along the way.

If you’re struggling with patience, know that you’re not alone. It’s okay to take things one step at a time and be gentle with yourself along the way. Embracing patience isn’t always easy, but it’s worth it!

