How to be an empowering woman in a relationship.

Udeshika De silva
3 min readDec 23, 2021

Love feels good, doesn’t it? There’s a reason why we call it “falling” in love, because we fall, we get lost — we get intoxicated with the high feelings that only love can deliver.

But this intoxication comes with a risk. The danger of falling in love is falling to the point of losing yourself in a relationship. It’s the danger of inauthenticity, and when you aren’t authentic in a relationship, you are essentially living a lie. You’re hiding. You don’t allow your partner to see the real you. Inauthenticity prevents the formation of a true, healthy relationship.

Here are few things everyone can follow in order to become an empowering female in a relationship and not loose yourself. It is crucial to preserve your individuality while being in love.

  1. Create your own life

Love is a drug and it is misleading at times. For some people, love becomes their whole life. It should not happen that way. Love is just one part in our life. We need to carry on our personal life without abandoning it.

Have some independence and an identity of your own. Because if you don’t, things will get boring and it can ruin the relationship.

2. Stop being needy!

If you are needy, you start to chase and then things become nasty. If you want to see him 24/7, text him 24/7, and basically think the world resolves around him, well, you’re being needy. It can create unnecessary problems. It doesn’t mean that you should not have communication. You need to have proper communication with your partner but that doesn’t mean you have to be needy. You need to have that personality to do anything with or without your partner.

3. Stop chasing ladies!

Unfortunately, most of us do this a lot. And you might not even know you’re doing it.

“Chasing” comes in all forms — it could be obvious, stalker-like behavior such as calling him 100 times a day. Or, it could be more subtle, like you’re the only initiating contact all the time. It could be a relationship red flag as well.

4. Love and take care of yourself!

It is crucial for you to love yourself. You deserve that girl. Love yourself enough to not let anyone hurt you! You don’t have to wait anyone to treat you better. Everything starts within. Go treat yourself better! There are millions of things to do to take care of yourself.

Go, get that facial you always wanted. Go out and eat your favorite dishes and watch a movie alone. You don’t have to wait for anyone else.

5. Equal effort matters!

People always say, “relationships should be 50–50.” Do you really think it is correct?

They should be 100–100. BOTH people need to put in 100% effort every day to keep the relationship strong.

It can’t be 100–20, 100–50, or even 100–99. It has to be equal.

If it gets out of balance, you need to have a conversation about that so you can get back on track.

6. Make time for your partner too!

I know I said to have your own life and maintain individuality, but on the flip side, you can’t spend too much time alone (or with other people) because then the relationship could die.

Relationships need attention. So, make sure you go on regular date nights and have deep conversations to keep your connection strong.

No matter what, it is really important to have your own strong personality and maintain your own individuality. I know it is easy to say, yet once again nothing is impossible! You do not really have to loose and sacrifice everything you built for yourself for your partner. Be empowering! Be strong! These points at any cost do not support bitchy or rude behavior. It is all about finding balance and living your life happily with your partner!

